Elysium Telepsychiatry




Elysium is a mental health practice based out of Bradenton, Florida that provides statewide telehealth psychiatric services.  Expert medication management and evidence-based psychotherapy, combined with our comprehensive and individualized approach to each patient, allows for a superior standard of care. We value our patients and take great pride in developing meaningful relationships built on a foundation of trust, mutual respect, and collaborative treatment planning.  Our primary goal, as diligent advocates for your mental health, is to empower you to rediscover the best in you. At Elysium, we believe that being genuine and compassionate creates the ideal atmosphere for personal improvement and increased quality of life.  Through many years of professional experience working   with   diverse   patients   in   various   settings, we   have   found   that   effort,   desire,   and dedication are the keys to becoming a happier and healthier version of yourself.


To be a premier psychiatric private practice which individuals in the local community may instinctively turn towards and trust with all of their mental health needs, as well as be an entity which can provide a safe and healthy workplace for all psychiatric healthcare workers possessing the innate desire for patient care.


Elysium is dedicated towards providing safe, quality, respectful, and patient/family-centered care, taking into account the various sociocultural factors that may affect one’s mental health, with the goal of empowering our patients to rediscover the best in themselves, and to reconnect them with their familial and social networks.



Strive to deliver the highest possible quality of behavioral healthcare services to our patients.


Provide a kind of care that we would give towards our own family.


To positively impact and inspire the members of our local community to have a strong influence on their own health and the health of their neighbors.


Integrating lifelong professional learning with our healthcare workers, as well as sharing this knowledge with our patients.

“Rediscover the best in you”

Psychiatric Diagnosis

At Elysium, our most trusted board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Marco Rabines, will personally meet and greet each patient. Dr. Rabines has worked as a psychiatrist for over a decade and is fully committed towards putting forth all of his knowledge and efforts in order to reach the most appropriate diagnosis and discuss the best possible evidence-based treatment for you.

Medication Management

There is an old aphorism which states, “treat the patient, not (only) the disease”. Here at Elysium, like in many other psychiatric practices, we understand that more than one person may have the same diagnosis. However, where we differ, is in our personalized treatment plan, tailored uniquely to each individual patient, while also adhering to standard psychiatric guidelines. It is paramount to us that each patient be cared for differently despite possessing a similar diagnosis. Medication is not a one size fits all approach, and to us, neither is the treatment plan that coincides with it.

Electronic Prescriptions

Here at Elysium, we understand that urgent health concerns require urgent solutions. The need to maximize the quality of life for our patients has allowed us to transition from paper prescriptions to those that are instead sent electronically to your preferred pharmacy.


Psych care and clinical management of a diverse psychiatric conditions

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Anxiety Disorder
Mental Health

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We Are The Best at Psychiatric Solo practice

Why Choose Us ?

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In House Psychiatrist
Years Eperience
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Successful Therapy

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